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Associate Members

Associate Membership Application
Insurance affiliated companies and vendors may join the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Arizona as Associate Members.

Complete the Associate Membership Application and submit to IIABAZ with your dues payment.

Benefits of Associate Membership

  • Membership Directory which lists all P&C Member Agencies in Arizona, along with the Associate Members. New Associate Members will be listed in the new release every January.
  • Discount on exhibiting at the IIABAZ's Convention - one of the largest trade shows in the west. Next event will be August 22, 2024 at the Glendale Renaissance in Glendale, Arizona.
  • Discounted advertising opportunities in the newsletters and directories.
  • Advocacy in the state and federal legislators, courts, and regulatory authorities.
  • Discounted and free educational seminars and webinars.
  • Networking opportunities at regional and state events.
If you have any questions, or want to request the application to be mailed to you, please contact Ray Garcia at (800) 627-3356 or

2023-2024 Partners Program
Build Your Arizona Marketing Plan
The Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Arizona (IIABAZ) invites you to take part in the Partners Program designed with your company's marketing goals in mind. Using a tiered approach, our Partners Program allows each company to choose a partnership based on the level of interaction and visibility they are looking for with Arizona independent agents. All our partners levels provides companies with maximized, year-round exposure to IIABAZ member agencies and their employees at a reduced price. As partners, we can work together to share ideas and resources cross-market services that benefit Arizona agencies and recruit and retain the next generation of independent agents. 

We invite you to join us as a Partner today! Together we can protect, promote and grow the independent insurance system in Arizona for years to come.  

Click Here for details.
Associate Renewals
Renewing Your Associate Membership? 
It's easy. Dues are $500 a year (November 1-October 31).

Just choose your payment method and submit.
  1. Check - Mail a check made payable to IIABAZ at 333 E. Flower Street, Phoenix, AZ 85012 identifying the company being renewed with contact name and phone number.
  2. Credit Card - Return completed PDF CC Form to or fax 602-468-1392.
  3. Online Credit Card - Use the secure online payment form if you have your dues invoice number.
Please consider becoming an IIABAZ Partner. Check out the Partner Program information.